This week has truly been amazing for Josh and I. God has blessed us more than we ever thought possible.
For those of you that have been following along with my posts, my very first one was about trying to find extra income online. The reason for this was not because we are broke, but because like most middle class Americans we could use the extra money.
Now remember that Josh is only 24 and I am only 21, so we are already succeeding in life compared to the majority our age. We have no debt besides a mortgage and a car payment, which is incredible. We have no student loans, no credit card debt, and nothing drastic hanging over our heads. We just wanted a little more spending money to be able to travel and do DIY projects on our home.
Well this past Monday we decided it was time to trade my Chevy Tahoe in to get a more gas efficient vehicle because we have been car-pooling to work everyday. I am now the proud owner of a brand new 2016 Kia Optima, and I am only paying $30 more a month than what I was paying on my 2008 Tahoe. If you would like to know how we accomplished this, please comment and I will make another post about how it all worked out.
On this past Monday, as we were leaving the car dealership, I got a phone call from a student housing complex in College Station asking if I was interested in interviewing for an Assistant General Manager position, AGM. I may have mentioned in a previous post, but I am a licensed Realtor in Texas, but put my real estate career on hold to get a more steady income. Being a Realtor at heart, I love being in the housing market, whether it be in rentals or home building. My current position is a Sales Assistant position with a local home builder.
I went in for the interview on Tuesday morning, and was offered the job within 10 minutes of meeting with the General Manager. Now I am not one to be shy about money, so I will tell you what they offered as a salary. My current position is only paying me $14 an hour, which comes out to be about $28,000 in salary before taxes. The AGM position offered me $37,000 before taxes, which is almost $10,000 more than my current job. (In Texas, to be 21 and making a salary on $37,000 with out a college degree is extraordinary.)
Needless to say I took the AGM position. My start date at the new job will be in a week from this coming Monday, and I am excited/nervous to begin this new journey.
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